This blog is intended to keep all of our family and friends up to date with the adventures (or misadventures) of our family of four!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The first day of school

Sean had his first day of "real" school on Monday. He started PreK. He is in a class of 20 kids. His class is very similar in setup to the one that he was in at St. Luke. He has already made a new friend whose name is Noah. Sean is excited that he gets to eat in the cafeteria with the big kids. Much to his Daddy's disbelief, Sean informed us that not all of the Lunch Room ladies are fat and ugly. But that they do wear hairnets. Long story, don't ask!

Paige moved to a new room also. Some of her best friends moved up with her and she also has new kids in her class. She is having fun being able to play on the big kid playground.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

We love the beach!

What Daddy lets you do when Mommy is asleep

You get to do all kinds of cool stuff like sit on the kitchen table and eat candy or even dance on it.