This blog is intended to keep all of our family and friends up to date with the adventures (or misadventures) of our family of four!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Little Girl Dawg

Paige is waiting for the harvest party to begin!

Donut Eating King

Sean had a time trying to eat a donut at the harvest party with out using his hands!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Putt Putt

Another of our summer past times - Putt Putt. We all went (except Jim) to play Putt Putt. We had a good time and Chris kick everyone's tails. He got 5 hole in ones. I keep telling him that if he would practice golf and not bowling that I could be a stay at home Mom who's kids go to daycare/school. Ha Ha!



Catching sand crabs at the beach

We took the kids on a crab hunt at the beach. Sean said that was to coolest thing that he did all weekend. It was fun reliving our summer past time. As a child, we would go crab hunting every summer. I tried to convince Alex and Blake to take all of the crabs back to the beach house and put them in the bed with their Daddy. They quickly nixxed that idea. This crab is the biggest one that we caught.

Speed racers

Chris and Sean enjoyed some quality time together at the race track.