This blog is intended to keep all of our family and friends up to date with the adventures (or misadventures) of our family of four!

Monday, March 27, 2006

In trouble

Well, I am in trouble. I have been reminded that it has been a week since I put an entry out on the blog. Sorry, we have just been busy with work and school. We made a whirlwind trip to Blakely on Friday night. We had dinner with Mema, Pop, the Braswells, and the rest of Blakely at Griffins. Sean and Paige got to see oysters being shucked. What excitement!! We went to Mema's and had strawberry shortcake for dessert and caught up on the Braswell boys. Sean helped Mema pick up pine cones and earned some money for his efforts. Chris and Pop did manly things like welding and riggin' the trailer to haul carpet home.

Sean and Paige have pictures this week at school. Hopefully Miss Prissy won't lay in the floor this time.


Blogger Jeanette said...

See, I learned something new on your blog. I didn't even know you went to Blakely and I've talked to you or your Mom at least 4-5 times in the past couple of days.

7:48 PM

Blogger -jhp- said...

What do you mean he earned some money for his efforts?!?!

Mema is getting soft nowadays. :o)

9:15 PM


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